Saturday, 20 March 2010

Our own villain

A misunderstood soul who always preferred isolation, even as a child, to the company of others. He has suffered from severe psychopathy, a personality disorder characterised by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct. People have argued that he may have been a strong agoraphobic too, this can be justified from when he finally put aside his fear of public places of assembly by, asking a girl to the dance in front of the whole canteen. He was heartlessly rejected, and stood frozen as his worst fear had come true. He had a painful convulsion that day and came close to death. He could never show his face to the world again. 13 years later, he came back to the town in search of the group of girls who had ruined his life, to rid them of theirs. Forever. Capable of mutilating the human body like never seen before, he uses his own bare hands and nails to disfigure the people who had destroyed what was left in his heart. He finally hunts the only girl he ever loved.

*We have decided to use a childhood trauma as the motive for the killer, as we thought the psychological aspects to killing were alot more meaningful than a nihilistic purpose.

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